All students receive the following instruction using College to Career State Standards everyday...
- 90 minutes of Integrated Language Arts
- Resources utilized: HMH Collections and leveled novels
- Daily small group instruction
- 90 minutes of Math
- Resources utilized: Eureka Math
- Daily small group/math stations
- Algebra for qualifying students (available for HS credit)
- 90 minutes of Social Studies every other day and 45 minutes on Fridays
- 6th grade World History, resource utilized History Alive
- 7th grade World Geography & Kansas History, resource utilized Geography Alive and Kansas Journeys
- 8th grade US History, resource utilized History Alive
- 90 minutes of Science every other day and 45 minutes on Fridays
- Resource utilized, HMH Dimensions
- 2, 45 minute Related Arts classes
- 6th grade a semester of Computer Science for Innovators & Makers & Chorus + year of PE
- 7th grade a semester of FACS, Art, PE, & Computer Science 3D Design & Modeling
- 8th grade a semester of FACS, Art, PE, & Computer Science App Creators
- 7/8 grade Choir, 6-8 grade Band, 6-8 grade Orchestra is also available by choice and serve as year long classes
- 25 minutes of Advisor Base
- 8th grade students are able to obtain High School credit for the following classes earning .5 credit each...
- Career & Life Planning
- Computer Science App Creators
- Design 1
- Algebra (.5 each semester-students must meet criteria to qualify for class)
Special education services, including Gifted services, & ELL services available to students who qualify or who currently have individual education plans &/or outcome plans.
Chromebooks and some textbooks are issued to each student. Math, ELA, Science and History textbooks are online.