Kelli Hoffman, Principal
Hoffman is the principal of French Middle School. She has been an educator in
Topeka Public Schools for over 25 years. Mrs. Hoffman has 11 years of
experience teaching intermediate grades at the elementary level. She has
enjoyed the remainder of her career as a middle school administrator with over
15 years as the Principal of French Middle School.

Tracy Keegan, Assistant Principal
Ms. Keegan is the Assistant Principal at French Middle School. Ms. Keegan has been in Topeka Public Schools for over 30 years at the elementary and middle level. Her time in TPS has included classroom teacher, district consulting teacher, and administrator.

Penny Marin, Administrative
Ms. Marin takes care of all things regarding finances
including school fees. She is a welcoming face in our front office.
Kaylien Hewitt, Attendance Secretary
Ms. Hewitt takes care of all
attendance records and also serves as a welcoming face in the front office. She
can assist with most Synergy questions as well.
Tim Wilson, Activities Coordinator
Wilson serves as our Activities Coordinator and takes care of scheduling
athletic events and extracurricular school activities.
Barnett, Counselor
Barnett works with students last names A-L. She provides academic and
behavioral supports to students and parents.
Ryan, Counselor
Ryan works with students last names M-Z. She also provides academic and
behavioral supports for students and parents.
Jordan Gallagher, Social Worker
Ms. Gallagher addresses the mental health and social/emotional needs of our students.
She works closely with school, communities, families and students to provide
support and advocate for their needs.
Clancy, School Psychologist
Clancy helps students by figuring out how they learn best and assists in coming
up with plans to meet their educational needs. She also assists teachers by
helping address students' academic and behavioral needs in the classroom.

Kendra Besenyi, Nurse
Besenyi takes care of keeping students and staff safe and healthy.
Darren Campbell, School Resource Officer
Campbell works to establish positive relationships with students and families
while maintaining a safe and secure learning environment.

Helsel, Kitchen Manager
Helsel is our kitchen manager. Our kitchen team works hard each day to
provide healthy meals for breakfast and lunch to all students.

Kelley, Media Center Specialist
Kelley is our media specialist as well as our Chromebook expert! If you're
having issues with your Chromebook, she is the contact person.