Due to Covid Pandemic all extra curricular activities will follow new KSHSAA safety guidelines. Click on links below for specifics regarding new guidelines.
KSHSAA Covid Guidelines for 2021-22
KSHSAA Return to Play Guidelines 2021-22
Competitive athletics are available to all seventh and eighth grade students. FMS sports include: football, basketball, cross-country, track, tennis, soccer, and volleyball. Seventh and eighth grade students who desire to participate in inter-school athletics must have a physical examination after May 1 of the previous school year and must have a completed the Kansas State High School Activities Association (KSHSAA) physical form (filled out by your physician), also signed by both parent and student, and turned it in to the school office before being allowed to participate in practice or games. These forms are available in the school office, from coaches or Activity Coordinator. Forms can also be downloaded from kshsaa.org http://www.kshsaa.org/Public/PDF/FORM-PPE.pdf
Each sport will have Varsity and Junior Varsity teams, both of which will be mixed grade levels depending on ability and skill level. If large number of participants try out for sports, a developmental team may be created for those students who demonstrate a beginning skill level. Proper attitude is probably the most important aspect of a successful athletic program. The coaches will work hard and spend as much time as possible to continue this success. Each student, though, must come into the athletic program with a desire to be competitive and to display good citizenship at all times.
Studies have shown that students who participate in after school activities will have a higher grade point average(GPA) and do better overall in school than those students who do nothing.
The following are some advantages you can expect when participating in athletics:
1. Provides opportunity to develop your physical powers to the fullest.
2. Develop responsiveness to group discipline.
3. Develop lasting friendships.
4. Develop self-confidence.
5. Develop respect for rules and authority.
6. Provide opportunities for development of cooperation, sportsmanship, initiative, and unselfishness.
7. Gives a sense of belonging.
Emergency Card: Students are required to have an emergency card on file with their coach if they participate in sports.
Participation Guidelines
Students are expected not to have any discipline problems while they are members of the team.
- Any student having time assigned after school is expected to attend practice AFTER s/he has served the detention time.
- Students must be in school at least one-half of the day to participate on that day.
- Students who have been placed on suspension (in school or out-of-school) are eliminated from participation in school activities, which occur during the day(s) of the suspension.
- Only those students passing five (5) classes for the previous quarter may participate in sports during the next quarter.
- Any student excused from PE class for medical reasons will not participate in any after school sport on the day(s) s/he is excused from PE class.
- Removal from the team will occur for any illegal substance possessed by a student or for any behavior that we feel does not represent our school in a positive manner.
- Athletes must be in good academic standing (No F's) to participate in weekly games. Grade reports will be updated prior to game day.
All students participating in inter-scholastic athletics must have a KSHSAA physical form signed by a doctor, a parent, and the student on file in the main office before the student will be allowed to practice/participate in any sport. The form must be dated after May 1 of the previous school year.
Practice Schedules
Occasionally, a previously scheduled practice will need to be canceled or changed, usually because of inclement weather for outdoor sports. If practice is canceled it is the student's responsibility to notify his/her parents/guardian. The office telephone will be available for student use for this purpose. Sometimes it is necessary to hold some practices before school. Participants who have not had breakfast may purchase a snack/breakfast from the school cafeteria by 7:40 a.m.
Required Equipment
Students are required to provide all personal items for sports, including shoes, mouthpieces, etc. The school provides uniforms and other required equipment.
- Admission to athletic events is $2.00. Most games start at 3:15pm unless otherwise advertised.
- Students will wait in the commons area, seated at the lunchroom tables, until instructed it is time to enter the gym. This will usually be some time after 3:00 p.m. Students MAY NOT enter the event after 3:30 p.m., unless accompanied by a PARENT or with a pass from a teacher.
- Students are to enter the gym quietly, pay admission, sit down and watch the event. Students must sit in the student section.
- Once students enter the gym, they are there until half time or a break in play occurs. If students leave at any other time, they MAY NOT reenter.
- Students asked to leave a game for any reason will not be allowed to attend any more games for the remainder the season.
- We ask that parents who wish to speak with coaches make an appointment. Coaches are busy with games and supervising athletes on game days.
- Clapping or yelling for a good play is encouraged. GO FALCONS!!!!
- Be courteous to all -- participants, coaches, officials, staff, and fans.
- Know the rules; abide by and respect the officials' decisions.
- Win with character and lose with dignity.
- Display appreciation for good performance regardless of the team.
- Exercise self-control and reflect positively upon yourself, your team, and your school.
- Permit only positive, sportsmanlike behavior to reflect on your school or its activities.
- Do nothing that will embarrass you, your school, your team, or your coach